Building a Tolerance to Delta 9 THC: What to Do When the Effects Fade

Building a Tolerance to Delta 9 THC: What to Do When the Effects Fade

Key Takeaways

  • Delta-9 THC tolerance occurs when one becomes accustomed to the use of cannabis.
  • Tolerance may also cause adverse effects.
  • You can optimize the effects of delta-9 THC by taking a break from using it.

As with many other substances, users of delta-9 THC can experience ‘not feeling the same high’ over time. This can indicate that you are likely to become tolerant to the effects of delta-9 THC. As a result, chronic tolerance can potentially lead to excess use, which can be unhealthy and expensive. In this article, we’ll discuss how tolerance to delta-9 THC comes about and how you can restore your body’s reaction to normal.

How Does a High Tolerance to Delta-9 THC Develop?

Delta-9 THC, aka 'Tetrahydrocannabinol' in medical terms, is a chemical compound found concentrated in the cannabis plant. Delta-9 THC is responsible for the "high" feeling that comes with marijuana use. When consumed into the body, the compound delta-9 THC binds to the body’s endocannabinoid systems, which are in the brain. It specifically binds to the CB1 receptors in the brain, to provide euphoric effects, a sense of relaxation, and can result in alterations to the perception of time and space.

It’s common for the body to adapt to delta-9 THC over a prolonged time and after consuming a high quantity. You may notice that the initial amount of THC that you used no longer heightens the levels of euphoria that you had previously enjoyed. This is known as tolerance build-up, which means the body’s receptors undergo desensitization towards THC. You may observe that by the time you have become tolerant to THC, you are already consuming a larger amount than before yet still do not get the effects you desire.

How to Know That You Have Developed Delta-9 THC Tolerance

To know whether you have built a tolerance to delta-9 THC, you can watch out for the following definite signs.

  • Are you consuming more delta-9 THC than you normally take?
  • Does the “high” last for a shorter time than you have been used to?
  • Do you feel a less intense “high” than when you first started using delta-9 THC?

What is The Science Behind delta-9 THC Tolerance

So, how does the body become tolerant to delta-9 THC? To answer that, you have to consider the ECS. So THC binds CB1 receptors to ECS, which are located within the brain and accounts for the psychoactive effects of cannabis. These receptors have been shown to produce effects that are quite dose-dependent on the presence of THC in the body, but there is a trend to downregulate over time.

If you take too much THC and for long enough, it eventually leads to very few CB1 receptors being active. This suggests that the more delta-9 THC you take, the lesser its potency in effecting certain outcomes. The process of how it works is as follows.

  1. On the first intake, you experience more intense effects.
  2. After regular use, the effects start to fade.
  3. At a high tolerance, you have to consume large quantities of THC, as the usual amount does not have the same effects.

This cycle can make you buy more cannabis products without reaching the desired effect. 

Based on research, tolerance is usually due to CB1 receptors being down-regulated. According to a study published in 2012, authors claim that the number of existing CB1 receptors was restored back to normal level after a withdrawal from THC. More precisely, users had to wait for 28 days after cessation of THC intake for the CB1 receptor count in the brain to return to normal.

Break from THC

CB1 Receptors

0 Days


14 Days


28 Days


This suggests that you can take a break from THC and allow your body to reset. This is the surefire way to enjoy the benefits of THC once more. However, when you increase the amount of delta-9 THC you consume, it can cause dependency and chronic usage. So, the best way to control your tolerance level is to take a break from time to time.

When to Consider Taking a Delta-9 THC Break

If you are pondering when experts recommend pausing the intake of delta-9 THC, here are some indications you can look for:

  1. The effects are not felt the same way anymore. Most people are willing to consume more and more delta-9 TCH. Nevertheless, when they fail to get the same effects as before, it’s a sure sign that the body needs a reset.
  2. The effects fade too quickly. If the high is fading away quickly than before, this could point to growing tolerance.
  3. You are consuming larger doses than usual. If you need to consume larger doses to reach the desired results, it may be time to take a break.

When you ignore these signs, it can lead to:

  • More money is spent on buying more cannabis products.
  • Frustration as you try to recreate the same feeling without success.
  • Health risks associated with heavy use of cannabis.

Once you decide that taking a break is the right way to go, be sure to consider:

  • How frequently are you consuming delta-9 THC at the moment?
  • Any existing physical health issues.
  • General lifestyle and stress.

Ultimately, taking a break may seem hard, but it’s necessary and helps in resetting your tolerance towards THC. So, by all means, wait a while and things are going to be better after some time.

How Long Should I Take a Delta-9 THC Break For?

It’s vital to give yourself some time off from the consumption of THC so that you do not build tolerance over time. The duration of the break will depend on how often you use delta-9 THC. Here’s a quick guideline:

  • Daily users: 3-4 weeks
  • Moderate users: 10 days to 2 weeks
  • Casual users: 1 week

What to Do When the Effects of Delta-9 THC Fade

When you take your tolerance break, use the following guidelines to maximize the effectiveness of the break.

  1. Don’t microdose: Any usage of delta-9 THC, even small doses during breaks, can hinder your progress.
  2. Drink Liquids: You should consume lots of fluids to help cleanse your body.
  3. Work Out: Working out can help increase your metabolic rate and expel THC from the body quicker.

If you find it hard to stop using cannabis completely, try these alternatives:

  • CBD products: They can create a relaxing effect without raising your tolerance to THC.
  • Herbal teas: Detox tea can enhance your body's own valve flush systems.
  • Mindfulness practices: Things like stress reduction through meditation can help in resisting cravings.

You have to remember that a tolerance break is not forever; it’s simply an opportunity to use cannabis in a more satisfying and efficient way once you resume use. Resetting your tolerance can lead to a better experience and save you some cash in the future. While quitting marijuana can be hard, you can make it simpler if you focus on your goals.

How Can You Maximize Your Delta-9 Experience After a Tolerance Break?

After a long break from consuming anything with THC, here are some things that can help you make the most of your cannabis experience in the future:

Reintroducing THC

  • Start Slow: Start with a low dosage to determine your level of sensitivity and how much of THC you can comfortably take.
  • Choose Quality Products: Always buy quality cannabis products so that your experience is optimal.
  • Experiment with Different Forms: Use edibles, or even inhale from vapes or smoke flowers and figure out which one you love the most.

Finding the Right Dosage

  1. Listen to Your Body: Be aware about how certain doses make you feel.
  2. Adjust Gradually: Once you already have a certain dosage figured out, slowly increase it till it reaches the amount that you feel is the sweet spot.
  3. Keep a Journal: Documenting your practice will make it easy for you to determine which method yields the best results for you.

Maintaining Lower Tolerance Levels

  • Practice Moderation: Do not continue increasing the frequency of high doses to maintain low tolerance.
  • Incorporate Breaks: Include breaks at different levels to avoid an accumulation of tolerance.
  • Stay Hydrated and Healthy: As long as you are physically healthy, you stand a better chance of appreciating your cannabis experience.

Final Thoughts on Tolerance Breaks

When you realize you have reached a high tolerance for delta-9 THC, taking a break can be good. The same goes for when you have to bump up your consumption to get that effective “high” or when the effects wear off a bit too soon. A break helps the body reset, enabling you to enjoy the benefits of delta-9 THC at maximum. Furthermore, a clean break is recommended as even taking minimal quantities of delta-9 THC can impede your progress. Additionally, support from friends can make the break much easier. Overall, a strategically planned break reduces costs and improves the overall quality of cannabis use.


How do you develop a tolerance to delta-9 THC?

If you use delta-9 THC often, your body will get used to it. This means you might have to use more to achieve the same effects.

How do I know that I have a built-up tolerance?

If you notice that you need to take more in order to feel the effects, or if the effects seem to rapidly fade away, you might be tolerant.

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