CBD vs CBG vs CBN vs CBC: How Cannabinoids Work Together for Enhanced Effects

CBD vs CBG vs CBN vs CBC: How Cannabinoids Work Together for Enhanced Effects

The world of cannabinoids focuses on THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol), but there are more and more other compounds. CBN and CBG are two such compounds, and there are studies that nowadays show that they work simultaneously, producing amazing results during treatment. This article analyzes how cannabinoids work together to deliver therapeutic effects, what properties each of them possesses, and what combined effects they can have.

What is CBN?

CBN, or cannabinol, is a minor cannabinoid that is regarded as being only moderately psychoactive. CBN is a metabolism product of THC. When cannabis THC is decomposed over time, it transforms into CBN, which is why CBN is frequently discovered in mature hemp plants. CBN is not as strongly psychogenic as THC; however, it is believed to promote sleep, which attracts those who require a sleeping pill.

What is CBG?

Also known as cannabigerol, CBG is otherwise known as the “stem cell of other cannabinoids such as THC or CBD” since these other cannabinoids sprout off CBG and develop. Approximately 90% of the marijuana plant transformed into other more commonly known cannabinoids due to the plant's growth, meaning nearly all varieties contain a very small percentage of CBG. There is an increasing amount of popularity in hemp-derived CBG offering therapeutic facilities, even though it exists in trace amounts. It has been said to have antibacterial, neuro-protective, and anti-inflammatory activity.

How CBN and CBG Work Together

Both CBN and CBG have important unique benefits. But together, they can have an even stronger influence because of the entourage effect, which is the idea that cannabinoids, as well as other essential components of cannabis plants, are more successful in enhancing each other than when they are acting separately. This synergistic collaboration boosts their capabilities in therapy.

Improved Relaxation and Sleep

CBN is a cannabinoid which has some very mild sedative effects and is thought to be effective in both relaxation and aiding in sleep. With the addition of CBG, which has already been established to calm anxiety, the two cannabinoids together make for an effective combination as they compliment each other and magnify the calming effect. This combination may work especially well for people suffering from insomnia or individuals who tend to be restless.

Anti Inflammatory and Control over Pain

CBG is another cannabinoid that is noted for its treatment and anti-inflammatory properties, and it has been utilized in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease or neuroinflammation. CBN, on the other hand, is a compound that has been researched for its possible analgesic effects. Using both CBG and CBN products is more effective in treating chronic pain diseases because both CBG and CBN are capable of lowering CBG inflammation, while the latter can help lower pain.

Neuroprotective effects

CBN and CBG work together to promote support to the brain, and CBG, in particular, is noted for its neuroprotective properties that could offer a supportive role in neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington’s disease and multiple sclerosis. On the other hand, CBN has been studied for the delay of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. This could further complement CBG in the protection of brain cells as well as their interplay in enhancing cognitive performance.

Antibacterial Properties 

The antibacterial effects of CBG have been shown to be remarkably effective against resistant bacterial strains such as MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). Antibacterial properties have also been demonstrated by CBN, but to a lesser degree. Their antibacterial effects, though, will likely be much stronger when the two are combined, possibly providing a natural way to fight off bacteria. 

Appetite Stimulation 

CBN stimulates appetite much like THC only psychoactive effects are not as strong. Again, CBG also attaches to endocannabinoid system receptors that stimulate the appetite. It is possible to combine the two and achieve a milder manner in appetite stimulation which would be useful for individuals that suffer from reduced appetite due to a medical condition or treatment such as chemotherapy. 

How to Use CBN and CBG Together 

Because of the increasing popularity of cannabinoid-driven products, CBN and CBG combination formulations will not be hard to come by. These are manufactured in different forms, such as tinctures, capsules, and even edibles.

When picking a product, the search should depend on the intended outcome. For example, a person with the intention of improving sleep quality would benefit from using a product with high CBN derivatives while someone with the intention of gaining anti-inflammatory or neuroprotective effects would use a product with a ratio of both CBN and CBG.

Increasing the dose of the cannabinoids is not advisable, as everyone has different body chemistry, product formulation, and other cannabinoids or terpenes may be present.

What are the Differences Between CBD, CBG, CBN, and CBC?

CBD, CBG, CBN, and CBC are some of the most commonly spoken cannabinoids. 

  • CBD, or Cannabidiol, is a non-psychoactive substance. CBD may help patients deal with anxiety, inflammation, and chronic pain. 
  • CBG is often called the ‘mother of all cannabinoids’ largely because this cannabinoid is a precursor to other cannabinoids and that is gaining attention due to potential therapeutic effects including antibacterial and anti-inflammatory actions. 
  • CBN is best known for its sedative effects and is thus widely used for ailments related to sleep. 
  • Another relatively minor cannabinoid CBC is said to have the potential for inducing neurogenesis and hence, supporting the brain and its functions. 

These cannabinoids bind to different receptors in the body giving them their distinct characteristics towards wellness.

How Are CBD and CBN Used Together?

The coexistence of CBN and CBD products is particularly relevant in cannabis products intended for sleep and rest. Research shows that these two cannabinoids might work together to improve their effect, with CBD alleviating stress and CBN assisting in sleep quality. This does create a more rounded experience which is beneficial to persons who have sleep difficulties or insomnia. Combining their fascinating characteristics may increase the efficacy of any cannabis product designed for relaxation and sleep.


Harnessing CBN and CBG enables the user to optimize the benefits of both cannabinoids and use them for therapeutic effects. They can serve as a buttress to sleep, pain, or even neuroprotection. As the trend for cannabinoid research advances further down the road, we progressively expect to observe more complexed and innovative uses of CBN, CBG and their combinations.

CBN, with its neuroprotective properties, when coupled with CBG, could lead to new cannabinoid therapeutics for pain management, joint health, and other therapeutic management, but non-invasive in the long-run.

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