Although they can produce some similar health benefits, CBD and delta-9 THC are very different cannabinoids. Many people recognize the primary difference between these two compounds is that delta-9 has psychoactive properties, while CBD does not. However, to better understand both of these cannabinoids, it is important to examine how they both interact with the human body’s ECS, or endocannabinoid system. Read this article to learn more about the difference between CBD and delta-9 THC!
What is CBD?
Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of the several naturally occurring substances called cannabinoids that are present in hemp and cannabis plants. Cannabidiol is one of the approximately 120 cannabinoids that have been identified to date, having been found in the 1940s. Among the most well-known cannabinoids are CBD and its cousin delta-9 THC, which is most closely linked to marijuana due to its intoxicating qualities. There are several ways in which CBD and THC are different from one another. Most importantly, CBD does not provide the same "high" experience as THC. However, there are a few more things to look at when conducting a CBD comparison.
What is Delta-9?
Tetrahydrocannabinol, or delta-9 THC, is the cannabinoid most frequently connected to marijuana and cannabis. Although they belong to the same family, cannabis and hemp plants have different cannabinoid structures, so don't confuse them. It interacts with the ECS to produce psychoactive effects, but it also possesses a variety of other potentially therapeutic effects for certain users. Delta-9 THC is primarily renowned for its capacity to make people "high," however despite its medicinal qualities being utilized more frequently and extensively, there may be some unfavorable side effects. While some cannabis users report feeling less anxious or paranoid, others report experiencing negative side effects. If you want to experience some of the positive health benefits of cannabinoids, but skip the psychoactive “high,” CBD might be a better choice for you.
CBD vs Delta-9 Effects
If you are having trouble deciding which of these two cannabinoids is right for you, consider the numerous CBD vs Delta-9 THC differences. In hemp products, CBD and delta-9 THC may actually help “balance” each other out. For instance, while delta-9 can stimulate appetite, CBD has the potential to suppress appetite, when used on its own. However, these two cannabinoids also have the ability to work together to produce even more powerful health effects. For example, while both CBD and delta-9 have the potential to be used as sleep aids, they are even more effective at inducing and prolonging sleep when they are used together. Because both of these cannabinoids interact with the endocannabinoid system, users may experience even more benefits by using them in conjunction with each other. In fact, many hemp product customers prefer to use full-spectrum CBD products, which contain the “full spectrum” of cannabinoids, because of the way these compounds interact with each other and the ECS. Many scientists believe that this is the best way to experience the full range of benefits that cannabinoids have to offer.