From Our Customers: A Review of Our Cherry Lifted Limeade Gummies

From Our Customers: A Review of Our Cherry Lifted Limeade Gummies

With so many products and brands on the market, it can be difficult to choose high-quality THC gummies. In order to help you with your search for the best hemp gummies, Happy Fruit is interviewing our customers to find out what they like best about our products. Today we hear from Alex, a graphic designer in New York City, about why they love our Cherry Lifted Limeade Gummies. 

Happy Fruit: Hi Alex, thank you for taking the time to give us some feedback.

Alex L: No problem. As someone who has plenty of marketing experience, I understand how crucial honest customer feedback can be. 

HF: Crucial not only for our customers, but for us as well. We love to hear feedback and suggestions from our customers so that we can continue to improve our business.

AL: Exactly! Not enough business are willing to have such open and honest conversations with their customers. 

HF: How long have you been using Happy Fruit gummies?

AL: Over a year now, for sure. Maybe a year and a half?

HF: Have you always ordered the Cherry Lifted Limeade flavor?

AL: No, I tried more than a few of your gummies out before settling on this one. 

HF: Is it just the flavor of these gummies that you enjoy, or is there also something particular about their effects that you like as well?

AL: Oh yeah, the effects are a huge part of it. I didn’t really like the sleep gummies because I don’t usually have a problem with insomnia and those just made me really sleepy. The relaxing gummies were also too “chill” for me. These are actually “uplifting.” They can help improve my mood: I’ve noticed that more than a few times.

HF: Do you use these gummies every day?

AL: No, I wouldn’t say so. On average, I’d say about two or three times a week.

HF: Do you generally use them when you’ve had or are having a stressful day?

AL: Yes, definitely. I have actually also eaten a gummy or two before physical activity, like hiking or going to the gym.

HF: Have you ever used marijuana before?

AL: I tried it a few times when I was younger, but I never really liked it much. I like THC gummies for a few reasons. The first is that I don’t have to smoke them. I’m kind of a health nut, so I try my best to refrain from inhaling anything but air. No smoke also means no smell. The effects of these gummies aren’t really like any I’ve ever experienced from smoking marijuana. Of course, everybody is different, but when I use these gummies, I don’t experience any of the negative effects of marijuana: I don’t get sluggish or paranoid.

HF: Would you recommend Happy Fruit to your friends?

AL: I already have. Some of my friends from the gym have been ordering from your website for a few months. I shared a few of mine in the locker room one time and everybody had their own pack by the next week.

HF: Alex, thank you again for your time.

AL: You got it!

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