When shopping for hemp products, or any products for that matter, customer reviews can be some of the most important resources for making an educated purchase. Happy Fruit has started this new series of in-depth customer interviews so that you can read firsthand accounts of how effective, safe, and tasty, or hemp gummies really are. In the following discussion, Frank, a 56 year old husband, father, and successful business owner from Hagerstown, Maryland, explains why he regularly purchases our Lifted Limeade delta-9 + THCV gummies.
Happy Fruit: Hello Frank. You actually contacted us about doing this interview, right?
Frank J: Yeah. When I saw that you started posting customer reviews on your website, I figured I’d share my two cents.
HF: You mentioned in your email that Happy Fruit changed your mind about hemp. What did you mean by that?
FJ: I used to be very anti-hemp. Well actually, I was misinformed. I was raised by parents from the “Reefer Madness” era. I’ve never smoked pot. I own a couple of local restaurants, so I’m constantly on the go. When my wife suggested hemp gummies for my rising stress levels, I laughed her off. She’s always been a bit more “hippie-dippy” than me and I thought that “pot” would slow me down. I couldn’t stand the thought of feeling “medicated.” But I was opening up a new restaurant and dealing with some family issues, and my stress was getting worse. I mean, I physically was not well. Finally, I relented and let my wife order some gummies. I don’t know how she came across Happy Fruit, but I’m sure glad she did.
HF: What Happy Fruit gummies did she order for you?
FJ: Lifted Limeade.
HF: Our Lifted Limeade gummies contain THCV and delta-9 THC, the latter of which is the psychoactive compound found in marijuana plants. Were you hesitant about using delta-9?
FJ: To be honest, I didn’t know anything about cannabinoids and all that at first. I learned about that after looking at some of your other gummies. I figured it probably had some pot in it, but I obviously don’t have to worry about passing a drug test and I really needed to do something about my mental health. I guess something about hemp seemed more natural than an over-the-counter drug. I was absolutely hesitant, but I was also desperate for some relief.
HF: When you first tried the gummies, did you notice the effects immediately?
FJ: I’d say it took about an hour for me to remember that I had eaten a gummy and was feeling the effects. I saw that these are supposed to be “uplifting,” so I took one before going into one of my restaurants and figured I could just go home if I needed to. It was the best day I had had in months.
HF: How would you describe the effects of our Lifted Limeade gummies?
FJ: I just take one when I’m starting to feel stressed out or if I know it’s going to be a stressful day. The feeling isn’t quite euphoric, but I think if you ate enough you’d get there. They really just let me think more clearly. Which is ironic because I was worried about the opposite. I notice that they put me in a better mood and I’ve been less angry in general. I’ve also had some back pain in recent years that hasn’t been bothering me nearly as much lately.
HF: Would you recommend Happy Fruit to your friends?
FJ: Yeah, and I have, but I’ve had to explain that it’s different than smoking a joint. There’s still such a stigma around these plants that it can be tough to get us older folks on board. But I know a lot of people who could use some stress relief and these gummies are a legit option.
HF: We’re glad to hear that and we sincerely appreciate your continued business!