Since the passage of the U.S. Farm Bill back in 2018, many of the classic stigmas about hemp products and delta-9 THC have been consistently challenged. This is primarily because more studies have been conducted than ever before, examining the variety of potential health benefits that can come from the regular usage of hemp products. While this scientific research is vital to our collective understanding of how cannabinoids like delta-9 THC and CBD work, anecdotal reports from real hemp customers are also important. That’s why Happy Fruit is conducting interviews with and collecting feedback from our patrons. For this interview, we met with Mark C., an executive at a well-known tech company.
Happy Fruit: Hi Mark. Thanks for taking the time to speak with us.
Mark C.: You’re welcome.
HF: You introduced yourself as an executive at a tech company with a household name.
MC: Yes. I don’t want to name them, but I’ve been employed by them for many years. I actually started with an entry-level job and worked my way up to where I am now.
HF: One of the most common misconceptions about cannabinoids and hemp products is that they make people lazy. Obviously, you aren’t a lazy person. Was this your first experience with hemp gummies?
MC: I’ve actually smoked marijuana for the majority of the past 30 years. I’ve never understood the whole, “Smoking weed will turn you into a lazy burnout,” myth. It probably affects everyone differently, but it’s never made me lazy.
HF: If you enjoy smoking marijuana, why did you start purchasing Happy Fruit gummies?
MC: Like everyone, I’m only getting older. My doctor told me that I need to start taking it easy now that I’m approaching senior citizenship. So I’ve recently started exercising more and eating healthier. A big part of my new health regiment is not smoking anything. I’ve found that delta-9 gummies can give me a similar effect while being much easier on my lungs.
HF: What are your favorite Happy Fruit gummies?
MC: I really enjoy the Happy Fruit Mellow Mango Delta-9 gummies. They taste great and the effects are very relaxing. I love to eat a few after a long day. They help me unwind. I also like that I don’t need to smoke to get these effects. I feel healthier and cleaner.
HF: Would you recommend Happy Fruit’s Mellow Mango gummies to your friends, family, and/ or colleagues?
MC: I’ve recommended these gummies to a lot of people I work with, especially those in my age range. I agree with you that hemp products have been unfairly stigmatized. Not to mention that marijuana has been unjustly criminalized! But that’s for a different conversation.
In fewer words, yes I’ve recommended these gummies to a number of people who I think can benefit from them in a similar way to myself. I often joke that the world would be a better place if more of us corporate big shots, politicians, and the like were more open to the benefits of hemp products. Actually, it’s less of a joke and more of a legitimate belief!