From Our Customers - A Review of Our Sublime Lemon Lime Gummies

From Our Customers - A Review of Our Sublime Lemon Lime Gummies

When shopping for THC gummies, customers are faced with choosing between a plethora of products. Let’s face it, since the Farm Bill was passed back in 2018, a new THC gummy manufacturer seems to pop up every other week. The best way for customers to narrow down their search is to look for legitimate products that are accompanied by third party lab test results, or a Certificate of Analysis. This will not only verify that the product in question contains all of the cannabinoids it claims to, but it will also let customers rest assured that there are no potentially harmful solvents or pesticides present. Happy Fruit keeps our products’ lab test results on our websites so potential customers can find them easily. We also interview some of our frequent customers so they can share their reasons for loving Happy Fruit gummies. This week, we interviewed Mercedes, a waitress from New Mexico, about why she continues to order our Sublime Lemon Lime delta-9 THC live rosin gummies

Happy Fruit: Hi Mercedes, thank you for taking the time for this interview.

Mercedes L: Sure, no problem.

HF: You’ve ordered our Sublime Lemon Lime gummies every few weeks for the past year or so. What do you like about them?

ML: I’ve never been a fan of smoking marijuana. It gets me too in my head. But I’ve been really stressed out the past couple of years because of my job, going back to school, and a million other reasons. So one of my friends recommended Happy Fruit gummies to me. I wasn’t sure I wanted to try them at first, since they have THC in them, but I did and I ended up liking them. 

HF: Is Sublime Lemon Lime the first flavor you tried? 

ML: No, I tried the Peaceful Pineapple first. Then I tried a few more before settling on Sublime Lemon Lime. It’s kind of subtle. I like it the most.

HF: Even though you’ve never enjoyed smoking marijuana, you enjoy the effects of these THC gummies?

ML: Yeah, I do. They definitely get me feeling a little loopy, but I just take them at the end of the day, when I’m watching TV or reading a book. I probably wouldn’t like it very much if I ate some in a public place, but they’re perfect for unwinding after a busy day. 

HF: Does your friend who introduced you to Happy Fruit still use our gummies as well?

ML: Oh yeah, he’s a huge fan. He’s probably tried all the flavors. He’s actually one of my classmates and he’s always recommending them to our peers. 

HF: Would you recommend Happy Fruit gummies to your friends and family?

ML: Yes I would. It seems to me like they’re a great way to get the positive effects of THC without having to smoke it or use too much. I’ve even given my mom a gummy and she really liked it. I was a little worried she might freak out, because I don’t think she’s ever used marijuana, but it was great for her. 

HF: Thanks so much for your business and for your time!

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