For first time customers, it can be difficult to choose the best hemp gummies, especially with so many options on the market. Happy Fruit collects feedback from our frequent customers so we can share the details of what really makes our gummies so great. Check back weekly to hear from real Happy Fruit Customers about why they love our products! This week we speak to Penny from Las Vegas about our HuckleBerry Dream Sleep Gummies.
Happy Fruit: Hello Penny, we appreciate you taking the time to speak with us.
Penny G: Of course! I’m happy to be here.
HF: You’ve been consistently purchasing our HuckleBerry Dream Sleep Gummies for quite a few weeks now. What is it that you like about them and, more importantly, what keeps you coming back to Happy Fruit?
PG: To be frank, these HuckleBerry Dream gummies are the best sleep aid I’ve ever used. I’ve dealt with insomnia all my life, and it’s only gotten worse since I got a promotion at my job last year. Not only do I have trouble falling asleep, but I wake up in the middle of the night a lot. I’ve tried just about every sleep aid you can think of. Even a certain name brand liquid sleep aid and cough medicine pretty much had no effect on me. I must have developed a tolerance. I heard on the news that THC could be used as a sleep aid and that made sense to me, because I just got sleepy every time I smoked pot when I was younger. I don’t remember exactly how I stumbled upon Happy Fruit, but I sure am glad that I did.
HF: We’re very happy to hear that our gummies can help you get some better sleep. Obviously, you’re not subjected to regular drug testing at your job or for any other reason?
PG: Oh no, I’m self employed. I was a little weirded out about taking these gummies and having THC in my system, but I don’t mind it now. Products like these are good evidence that our culture should update the way we view cannabis. Seriously, I can’t say it enough, I’ve never slept better!
HF: Would you recommend Happy Fruit gummies to your family and friends?
PG: My short answer is, yes. The longer answer is that, it won’t necessarily be easy to sell everyone on using THC. I have a lot of older friends who would never even dream of taking any cannabis. On the other hand, I’m positive that most of them could benefit from it. I’ve looked at some of the other gummies on your website, like the ones for relaxation and the uplifting ones, and I certainly know more than a few people who could use those, especially in this day and age. I hope that some serious education takes place over the next few years, because I think these gummies could help a lot of people, just like how they helped me.
HF: Thank you again for your time, Penny.
PG: You are very welcome.